Saturday, December 19, 2009

4 Tips to Win Back a Lost Love

So, you're wondering how to win back a lost love. This is not an easily done task. It is a hard thing to do for most. The majority of people needing to do this lack the understanding and know how of successfully achieving such a goal. Of course, you are going to have to improve on this skill if you have the desire to get back with that person you are still in love with. You are also going to have to implement this new understanding of getting back with your ex.
In order to win back a lost love, you will have to sort your thoughts out while in solitude from your ex. This is a crucial step to take in order to get him or her back after your ex has resorted to leaving you and your relationship together. It is unfortunate that you both have gone through much drama and emotions are at its highest. This is all due to the events that took place during your relationship and including the actual failure of the relationship.
So it is advisable that you read an implement the following tips to win back a lost love.
Tip #1: Stop any remaining contact that you may have with your ex now. Keeping in contact with this person will only distract your ability to make decisive moves. This will only render your decisions irrational and hasty. Stay away from your ex during this time. It is time for you to attempt to get your mind right. Both you and your ex need time and space from each other. This is to avoid any vulnerability that might occur. This is also the time to stop depending on your ex and stand on your own two feet. This will both impress your ex as well as improve your self esteem.
Tip #2: Being that the break up is fresh, you might be inclined to spend time alone. It is hard to want to be out and socialize when your heart is broken, you may be just too depressed. It is a must that you stifle these feelings of wanting to be on your own. Make the effort to spend time with other people, even if you have to force yourself. It is equally important to have people around you as it is to spend time away from your ex.
By avoiding spending too much time alone you will have less of a chance to be depressed and miserable. It will also reduce the urge to call or make contact with your ex. By all means, make new friends. Find your old friends, what ever is needed to keep you from spending too much time at home alone night after night.
Another way to win back a lost love brings us to tip #3: Be sure to be aware of the mistakes you made. Your mistakes are the only thing that you have control over. Never mind the mistakes your ex made, they are neither her nor there. Your mishaps and behavior is all that you can improve upon.
Tip #4: Our last tip has the entire bit as much importance as the prior. Our fourth tip is to pay attention to your weaknesses. It is a must to face these weaknesses if you expect to make positive changes. It is a good idea to seek professional counsel if it apparent that you are unable to improve these flaws on our own. This is most certainly the time to work on you.
The preceding tips are a great start to realizing your need to win back a lost love. Be sure to put these tips to work and give a great effort to achieving this goal. Get on it, before it is too late. Good luck!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

3 Secret Tips to Get Back Your Ex - Get Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend Back

What’s that? You and your ex broke up? Wow! For sure you must be going through a terrible time in your life. Believe me, I have been there. You have probably replayed the breakup in your mind over and over again. Was it one last huge fight? Or was it a slow painful process? You most likely are trying to figure out what you could have done differently through out the course of the whole relationship. Perhaps you are blaming yourself completely for what went wrong. You miss your ex boyfriend or girlfriend so completely, you don’t know if you are going to make it through. The pain is so intense you actually feel physically sick. I am truly, so sorry that you are going though this. The good news is if you are patient and sincere, I have just the information you need. 3 secret tips to get back your ex.

After you have gone through all stages of your breakup: pain, denial, anger, grief, and acceptance, you have got your mind right and you have calmed down, then and only then it will be time to implement these 3 secret tips.

Stay true to yourself. Do not try impressing him or her by being someone you are not. News flash! In the beginning of your relationship you’re ex boyfriend or girlfriend fell in love with you. It was something about you that person was drawn to. This is very important to remember. Most likely, the qualities that your guy or girl saw in you faded away. You might have lost yourself in your relationship. Maybe you focused a bit too much on fitting into that person’s world or interests. Unintentionally or in hopes to please this person on purpose, somewhere you just might have stopped being yourself. This makes you appear needy and clingy; which is a turn off to the other person. Get back to the middle; your center. Get in touch with old friends; take time to participate in those old hobbies and activities you once were into. Be that person your ex fell in love with. Do it for yourself as well. This is just one tip you can use to get back your ex.

Next, while you might be inclined to stop all contact with that person, it is a good idea to keep very occasional contact with him or her. Now don’t get me wrong. It is important to take time for yourself and give him or her space as well, in order to get this person to miss you, and ultimately come back to you. However, it is also equally important to stay in range. This enables your ex to put you on his or her mind from time to time. So, by all means don’t be afraid to call every few weeks or so just to see how they are doing. Keep the conversation short and sweet. You must always have something that you are about to do. Remember, be as casual as possible. Send an email of something funny you came across or something that you know will be interesting to him. Call your ex on their birthday, find out if they received the card you sent (be sure to send the card first). This communication could very well be a way to start a new friendship with this person and just may be the beginning of the road to get back your ex.

Lastly but equally important as the preceding, don’t get involved with anyone else; seriously involved that is. First off, there is nothing worse than a full blown rebound situation. It is not fair to anyone involved. Why set yourself up for failure? Also, if you want your ex to feel as though you regret what happened and you want to reconcile, sleeping with someone else is not going to go over well. This is not going to get back your ex. This person is going to resent the idea that you were intimate with someone other than themselves and cause them to distrust you even more despite the fact that you are broken up. Who wants damaged goods? You have to convince him or her that you believe there is no one else out there for you besides them. Yes, I know, it helps to try to make that person jealous. Just be subtle about it; you don’t have to go as far as being intimate with someone else to accomplish this.

Now, don’t you feel better? All hope is not lost. Although things seem hopeless to you at this moment in time and your heart may hurt, it is quite possible to get your guy or gal back. Take your time, act with caution and by taking heed to these tips out lined within these paragraphs, you too can get back your ex.